Serie = require("./serie").Serie;
NOP = require("../../assembly/NOP").NOP;
const NB_INST_SERIES_3 = require("../constants").NB_INST_SERIES_3;
* Class which represents the connexion array of the Bull Gamma where plots would be connected by wires to hard code
* programs. It contains 64 instructions and as such can be considered as a Series
class Series3 extends Serie {
* Constructs a new instance of ConnexioArray
* @param id the id for the extended Serie, should always be 3 to respect the physical architecture
* @param bullGamma the bull gamma to which this array is connected
constructor(id, bullGamma) {
super(id, bullGamma);
this.maxNbInst = NB_INST_SERIES_3;
this.instructions = [];
* Set the Series3's content with hex values
* @param hexCode a String that represents the new hex values of the array
setInstructions(hexCode) {
let instructions = this.bullGamma.parser.parseInstructions(hexCode);
if (instructions.length > NB_INST_SERIES_3) {
throw Error("Instructions number should not be greater than " + NB_INST_SERIES_3);
this.instructions = instructions;
* fills up the empty instructions slots with NOP instructions
completeInstructions() {
for (let i=this.instructions.length; i<this.maxNbInst; i++) {
this.instructions.push(new NOP(this.bullGamma));
this.nbInst = this.instructions.length;
* @param line the position of the desired instructions
* @returns {Instruction} the fetched instructions
getInstruction(line) {
return this.instructions[line];
* @returns {Array|Instruction} all the instructions of the Series3
getInstructions() {
return this.instructions;
module.exports.Series3 = Series3;