Source: assembly/AN.js

OperationWithPreShift = require("./operation_with_pre_shift").OperationWithPreShift
MEMORY_MODE = require("../machine/constants").MEMORY_MODE

 * Add
class AN extends OperationWithPreShift {
  constructor(AD, OD, OF, bullGamma) {
    super(10, AD, OD, OF, bullGamma);

  _exeInstructionLogic() {
    let m1 = this.bullGamma.getMemory(1);
    if (this.AD > 1) { // use of MB
      let mb = this.bullGamma.getMemory(this.AD)
      if (this.bullGamma.getMemoryMode() === MEMORY_MODE.DECIMAL) {
        let m1positive = this.bullGamma.ms1 !== 10; // Whether M1 positive
        let mBpositive = mb.blocks[this.OF - 1] !== 10; // whether MB positive

        // Add or subtract positive integers depending on operand signs
        if (m1positive) {
          if (mBpositive) {
            m1.add(mb, this.OD, this.OF);
          } else {
            mb.blocks[this.OF - 1] = 0;
            m1.subtract(mb, this.OD, this.OF);
            mb.blocks[this.OF - 1] = 10;
        } else {
          if (mBpositive) {
            // -M1 + MB <=> MB - M1, so MB gets copied to M1 and a buffer for M1 is used
            let cpM1 = new Memory(1, this.bullGamma);
            cpM1.copyBlockValues(m1, this.OD, this.OF);
            m1.copyBlockValues(mb, this.OD, this.OF);
            m1.subtract(cpM1, this.OD, this.OF);
          } else {
            mb.blocks[this.OF - 1] = 0;
            m1.add(mb, this.OD, this.OF);
            mb.blocks[this.OF - 1] = 10;
      } else {
        // no signhandling in binary mode
        m1.add(mb, this.OD, this.OF);
    if (this.AD === 1) {
      m1.add(m1, this.OD, this.OF);
    if (this.AD === 0) {
      this.bullGamma.getMemory(1).addValue(this.OF, this.OD);

  getDescription() {
    if (this.AD == 0) {
      return "Effectue le décalage de M1, additionne M1 à " + this.OF
      + " en position " + this.OD
      + ", puis met le résultat dans M1";
    } else {
      return "Effectue le décalage de M1, additionne M1 à M" + this.AD
      + " entre les positions " + this.OD + " et " + this.OF
      + ", puis met le résultat dans M1";

  getShortType() {
    return "AN";

  getLongType() {
    return "Addition";


module.exports.AN = AN;